So… what exactly is Microcrystalline Cellulose? Besides being a huge mouthful to say, of course! Microcrystalline Cellulose, or MCC, is a material used in the production of many different materials manufactured in the world today. The majority of these manufactured products fall in the realm of supplementation and medicinal use. Considered to be a low cost bonding agent that can be used as a fat substitute, MCC can be administered through tablet or powder and isn’t usually degraded or broken down during digestion. To be perfectly plain, microcrystalline cellulose is the fancy way of saying “wood pulp.” Sounds yummy.
Both odorless and tasteless, MCC is ubiquitously used in the pharmaceutical and food manufacturing industries. An extremely effective way to increase viscosity of products so that accurate testing can be performed, MCC is used as a thickening agent in water and milk based products. In the world of cosmetics and cosmetology, many end-user finished products contain traces of MCC due to the impressive emulsifying effects it has on many of the chemical agents used in makeup and hair products. In addition to the emulsifying effects, the wood pulp is sometimes used simply to change the texture of a product, not actually having much effect on the chemical reactions or product effectivity.
Safe for Consumption in Moderation
Wood pulp doesn’t exactly sound like something you’re going to want a helping of at the dinner table this evening… because it’s not. That said, it’s completely safe for accidental consumption and the only issues typically observed after accidental digestion revolve around uncomfortable changes in bowel patterns. Depending on what’s already in your system, the MCC can either cause humans to suffer from constipation or diarrhea. While these are not ideal side effects, they’re not life threatening either.
Where to Purchase
Like with most pharmaceutical products on the market today, prices for microcrystalline cellulose can vary pretty wildly. It’s important to look for your ingredients from reputable sources like MedLabGear before trying out some of the ridiculously cheap options available from third party vendors nobody has ever heard of. The products you get from reputable sources are 100% genuine and aren’t “cut” or combined with other fake, filler products. These fake, filler products are the risks you run when you order from unknown sources in developing countries around the world. If you’re looking for something that will give you honest results, it’s best to play this close to the vest. You don’t want your test and experiments to be altered by garbage supplies and ingredients. Whether you’re looking to purchase some MCC or other products, be sure to look around in the description for the grade of product you’re considering buying. If there is no grade mentioned, it’s best to stay away from it. If you see NF or National Formulary grade, that’s a pretty solid green light that you’re getting legitimate product and can safely proceed with your purchase. Consider researching the other names a product might be marketed as to get a better feel of what you’re dealing with when it comes to price and purity.
What is Microcrystalline Cellulose?
Dr. Shane Jackson
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