Invacare CS3, CS7, CS9 Series ThinkSoft Half Rails (Pair)




ThinkSoft Helf Rails are ideal for those who are more mobile and aren't not considered fall out risks. Rails are great for repositioning while lying in bed and can be used as a stability rail while getting in and out of bed. Features:
  • Device rotates with head deck, making it easy for residents to reposition themselves
  • Reliable, pinch-free latching mechanism for simplicity of use. These rails release down.
  • Open design so residents do not feel trapped
  • Able to snap current pendant holster on either side of device to adapt to room layout


Overall Width: 24" W Overall Depth: 1.92" D Overall Height: 14-1/2" H Product Weight: Weight: 10 lbs. Warranty: One Year

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